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Making Finance Resilient to Crises

Writer's picture: HKU FinTechHKU FinTech

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How Do We Make Finance Resilient To Crises?

In this episode of Looking Back Looking Forward (S3E4), Professor Douglas Arner underlines major sustainability crises and the potential finance, in particular digital finance, has to adapt to such global events. Could the digitisation of financial services be the foundation to protect economies and societies from such volatilities? Or will the standardisation of ethics prove to be the most critical factor? Watch to find out how finance can have certainty in uncertain times.

Watch it here.


HKU FinTech Newsletter - April 2022

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SuperCharger Ventures Launches World's 1st EdTech MOOC

EdTech, short for Education Technology, is becoming one of the hottest sectors for startups and attracted more than US$20 billion of VC investments in 2021. Introduction to EdTech MOOC is designed to explore EdTech fundamentals and build the foundational knowledge for everyone who is keen to join this revolution.

In this course, through a series of video lectures, expert interviews, case studies, and assessments, learners will hear from leading investors, founders, CEOs, and academics who will share real-life examples about the innovations, technology and policies driving the transformation of education.

Read more here.


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Future of Money

In Issue 95 of this series, which covers recent topical developments, Henri Arslanian shares some ideas on:

- How North Korean Hackers Emerged as One of the Biggest Threats to the Crypto Ecosystem?

- How big is this problem?

- What can we expect next?

Read the post here.


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Responsible Innovations - Interview with Jon Zieger

Watch this exclusive interview with Jon Zieger, co-founder and executive director of Responsible Innovation Labs (RIL), a nonprofit working to create tools and standards to help innovative companies scale responsibly. In this interview, Jon discusses the concept of platform governance and explores how entrepreneurs can create and measure positive social impact through responsible innovations.

Watch it here.


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Blockchain As a Disruptor of Securities Regulations

Are traditional security regulations fit-for-purpose when regulating blockchain in finance? Do we need to rethink how to achieve policy objectives?

In this month’s issue of Hong Kong Lawyer - journal of The Law Society of Hong Kong, Syren Johnstone (Executive Director of the HKU LLM in Compliance and Regulation Programme) considers characteristics of cryptoassets that are inconsistent with the premises and assumptions of securities laws. Such changed fact patterns raise doubts about the sustainability of a policy approach that has been more concerned with risk reduction via a fit-to-existing regulation taxonomy than with facilitating ecosystem development.

Read more here.


Kinship Ties and the Adoption of FinTech in Africa

In a recent HKU-SCF FinTech Academy - FinTech Talk Series, Dr. Jiafu An from the HKU Business School presented his research on mobile banking in rural and urban areas in Africa. He uncovered the role kinship plays between consumers and the transactions conducted. How can this study contribute to efforts toward Financial Inclusion?

Presentation slides are now available here.

Do you want a full version of the presentation in Podcast format?
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How Marketable and Sustainable is NFT Art?

Is the NFT a new way for artists to achieve greater long-term income stability? In this recently released video of a panel discussion, singer-songwriter Hanjin Tan, the first to convert a single into an NFT in China’s music scene, seasoned art specialist Heiman Ng, and Professional Certificate in FinTech Instructor Brian Tang (Executive Director, LITE Lab@HKU) discuss how marketable and sustainable is NFT Art.

Watch the panel here.


"Introduction to FinTech" and "FinTech Ethics and Risks"

featured as edX top finance courses

New technologies, financial innovations, and digital currencies are radically changing the financial services industry. The trend is clear: the future of finance is digital. If you work in or are interested in exploring the finance industry, building skills in FinTech will be critical to your success.

We are pleased to see that our MOOCs have been included in this month's top recommendations from edX!

This content has been published first at the HKU-edX Professional Certificate in FinTech.


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