Looking Back, Looking Forward:
Crypto Normalisation
In the first episode of Series 2 of Looking Back Looking Forward, Professor Douglas Arner looked at the big picture trends for finance, technology and regulation in 2021.

In this Episode 2, he focuses in on one of these: how cryptocurrencies and digital assets are increasingly becoming a new asset class in the traditional financial system, subject to a wide range of regulation just like other aspects of finance.
The episode discusses the evolution of crypto, blockchain and digital assets over the past decade, highlighting that - regardless of price volatility - both the blockchain and digital assets now have a significant place in the financial system, a place that is likely to increase with the launch of not only Diem but also an increasing range of central bank digital currencies.
For more information on the University of Hong Kong's financial technology programme and all the episodes of Looking Back Looking Forward, visit the FinTech Videos page and discover the transformation of information technology's ever-growing impact on finance.
Watch Ep. 1 (Finance, Technology and Regulation in 2021) on YouTube.
To learn more about these issues:
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) by Dirk A. Zetzsche, Douglas W. Arner, Ross P. Buckley :: SSRN

The Future of Money
In Issue 28 of this series, which covers recent topical developments, Henri Arslanian shares some ideas on:
- Why 86% of Central Banks are looking at CBDC
- Whether Quantum Computers puts your Bitcoin at risk
- What Janet Yellen thinks of Bitcoin

Academic Paper: Digital Finance, COVID-19 and Existential Sustainability Crises: Setting the Agenda for the 2020s
By Douglas Arner (University of Hong Kong), Ross Buckley (University of New South Wales), Andrew Dahdal (Qatar University, College of Law), and Dirk Zetzsche (University of Luxembourg)
In this paper, the authors examine how COVID-19 experiences are driving forward a range of efforts to build better infrastructure to address future crises, in particular interoperable electronic payments systems (including central bank digital currencies and other forms of sovereign digital currency), sovereign digital identification (particularly in the context of market integrity and non face-to-face transactions), and use of technology for regulatory, supervisory and compliance purposes, At the same time, the authors argue that digitization generally, and of finance in particular, driven by the COVID-19 crisis – while providing effective tools to support the response – has also raised new challenges, particularly around forms of TechRisk arising from control and use of data from both state and non-state actors. Looking forward, these are among the most significant challenges for policy, law and regulation in the 2020s.
Read the article

OMFIF Podcasts: Fintech, payments and CDBCs in China
This two-part OMFIF podcast series focuses on the Chinese fintech space, focussing on payments, regulations and the Chinese central bank digital currency project.
Join Bhavin Patel, Head of Fintech at OMFIF, in discussion with Professor Douglas Arner and Charles Chang, Deputy Dean of academics, Professor of Finance and Director of the Fintech Research Centre at Fanhai International School of Finance, Fudan University.
Listen to Part 1 | Listen to Part 2

Money Matters Episode: Crypto Rush
Find out what's new in the crypto world in series 1 of Money Matters, which features interviews with Professor Douglas Arner, Jehan Chu of Kenetic Capital and Rishi Ramchandani of Blockfi. Crypto investor, Cristiane R, is also featured.
Money Matters is a programme about 'everything' money and finance. It offers viewers a weekly half hour update of the financial, property and business trends of concern. Segments consist of current affairs focus subjects related to business, finance and the economy, US-China Trade relations, as well as the latest investment research, economic and development trends in HK, Greater Bay Area.
Check out: Jan Issue | Mar Issue | Apr Issue | May Issue